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〜Battle of Minakuchi Okayama Castle in Koka〜




50 members of the Koga clan, led by Kagetomo Yamaoka, launched a night raid at the ruins of Minakuchi-Okayama Castle.

Masaie Nagatsuka, the lord of Minakuchi Okayama Castle, barricaded himself with 50 military commanders.

Although he defended the castle with all his might, he was defeated.

It was a victory for the high-spirited Koka Ninja Army.

In the fall of Reiwa 5th, Nagatsuka Masaie's army regained Mizuguchi Okayama Castle and plotted revenge with the stigma.

It is said that the Nagatsuka army will launch a night attack against the Koga clan who have encamped on the mountaintop.

​Event Overview

ninja night attack(SHINOBI-YOUCHI)2023

〜Battle of Minakuchi Okayama Castle in Koka〜

Date: October 21, 2023 (Sat) 13:30-21:00

Location: Minakuchi Okayama Castle Ruins

Target: Healthy high school students and above

Number of people: 100 people

〈  Role  〉

[War General]

■ General Masaie Nagatsuka (1 person)

Conditions: The person who pre-purchased the most tokens

Wooden bill: 50pt per card

Perks: oath at opening ceremony, final decision in military council and special armor (optional)

Military commander (4 people)

Conditions: 2nd to 5th most purchased cards

Wooden bills: 30 points per card

Perks: War Council Partition and Special Armor (Optional)

General military general soldier (42 people)

Wooden bill: 10pt per card

■ Bushogun spy (3 people)

Wooden bill: 10pt per card

Perks: Infiltrate the ninja side

[Ninja Army]

■ General Kagetomo Yamaoka (1 person)

Conditions: The person who pre-purchased the most tokens

Wooden bill: 50pt per card

Perks: oath at opening ceremony, final decision in military council and special armor (optional)

■ Ninja army chief (4 people)

Conditions: 2nd to 5th most purchased cards

Wooden bills: 30 points per card

Perk: War Council Divider and Camp Weave (Optional)

■Ninja army general soldiers (42 people)

Wooden bill: 10pt per card

■ Ninja snipers (3 people)

Wooden bill: 10pt per card

Benefit: Infiltrate the military commander side

<  Fee >

Military General/Ninja Army (47 people each)


Kifuda add-on option

*Any number of tickets can be purchased.

1,000yen/1 sheet 

Warlord/ninja sniper(3 people each)


〈 ​ schedule 〉


Meet at Mizuguchi Elementary School Reception/change of clothes


Opening Ceremony/Rules Explanation


Scout (field inspection)


Mock battle (demo for media) 


War council (strategy meeting in each camp)




1st round start of war


End of the first round (after that, a military council for the second round)


2nd round start of war


2nd round finished


Distinguished Achievement Award/Closing Ceremony


Downhill/change clothes




feast("Chicken Wing Daruma" 3-1-2429-2 Honcho, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City)​*Optional


​Rule description

Participants will be divided into a military general or a ninja army for a night battle. In the first round, the ninja army defends the mountaintop and the military general attacks it. The second game is a change of offense and defense.

Participants will be given armor or ninja costumes, sponge swords, light casts, goggles, and wooden tags. If you encounter an enemy, aim at the enemy's light with your sword and attack to light up the light to win. You can get the opponent's wooden bill.

A total of 2 rounds will be played. After the time limit ends, the army with the most merit points acquired from the opponent wins.

Each army has several enemy spies. Find and kill the spies. Let's defeat allies secretly so that the spies won't find out.

Warlords and ninjas with especially outstanding performances will be commended with the Distinguished Achievement Award. Join forces with your comrades and achieve many victories!



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Meeting place Koka Municipal Minakuchi Elementary School

〒528-0031 1-2-1 Honcho, Minakuchicho, Koka City, Shiga Prefecture

Ohmi Railway Minakuchi Ishibashi Station 8 minutes on foot


​Contact Us

 Tourist Information Center

Kouga-ryu Real Ninja Museum


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